June 24, 2010

My Stanley Hotel

The hospital can be a scary place for many. I'm there 5 days a week and yes, its still scary for me too. But probably not for the reasons you may think. I'm not scared of blood. I'm not scared of sick people. I'm not scared of machines. I'm not scared of needles (as long as I'm doing the sticking) I'm not scared of death. But I am scared of ghost children. I know...you're thinking WTF. Let me explain.

Every few weeks I have to drop off equipment to be picked up for off-site sterile processing. It is on my way to this drop zone I pass by the creepiest place I've ever seen. Its in the basement of the hospital which in itself is not scary like you may think (our dept is actually in the basement). This particular place is where old or extra beds are stored. Its a huge room thats always dark with this one light constantly flickering. Mostly there are baby beds in there. For those who don't know, in the hospital, baby beds have bars all the way around them. So the tots don't roll out of them. They just look creepy to me. There are also these gates that separate different parts of this storage room. I wish I had a picture because I know it doesn't sound scary but TRUST.

Every time I roll by there I'm scared to look in but I always do. I'm always expecting to see ghost children flying around, climbing the fences, shaking the bed/cribs. Or this:

These tiny bitches give me the heebie jeebies. Always have, always will. I'm terrified of ghost children. Give me adult ghosts, dismembered ghosts, demon ghosts any time. But ghost children, count me out.

So the moral of the story, kids...the hospital is a fascinating place. I love it there. But come the day I see a ghost child, I'm tucking my tail between my legs and I'm peacing out.

Sidebar: In my research of finding these scary tots, I found out they are "The Watson Twins," from Britian. And my maiden name is Watson. CREEPY!!!

June 8, 2010

You Had Me at Flip Cup

"The Bachelorette" has done it again. ABC has sucked me in and has me longing for Monday nights to see who Ali Fedotowsky makes out with, gives roses to, and who she gives the boot to. Of all the bachelorettes and even contestants, she has been my fav. And I have to admit that I may even have a tiny girl crush on her. I think she's just awesome!
Ali is one lucky lady. For the most part her suitors are pretty hunky, successful men. In my single days I would have loved to have 15 sex-ay men longing after me, fighting for me, all the while trying to impress me and win my heart. Not to mention, the fabulous dates they have, traveling the world. Le sigh...
From the get go I have liked Roberto. He's a hunk and speaks several different languages. He's cultured and charming. He also got the first impression rose. Atta girl, Ali!

Can you say yummy?

Okay so last night Ali had some alone time with Chris L. who I might add has this nice New England accent. Now he's no Roberto when it comes to looks but during his and Ali's convo before the rose ceremony he stated that Ali needs to come to the Cape and play some Flip Cup. Now this is a guy after my own heart. Her reply...I love Flip Cup!

I heart Chris L.

Ali keep handing out those roses to Chris L. Any man who plays Flip Cup is worth keepin' around. And oh yeah, Ali, you're invited to our next Flip Cup party.
