March 14, 2011

Final Answer...

I am a bit torn about the cleansing diet I did last week. I lost 2 lbs so that's good, but I have been trending around the 1-2 lbs per week doing things my way. So I am not sure if it really worked or not. I think it may be a good idea for someone who is just starting; I mean it was called the "Pre-Diet Cleanse" afterall.

The powder shakes kept me full for about 5 hours. The downside is they were pretty disgusting. By Friday, I couldn't get them down. They honestly, made me gag. Slim Fast tastes much better but they don't have as much protein & fiber.

The Diet Pak did give me energy and made me pee more. They also made me thirsty so my water consumption went up; the downfall was so did my beer consumption on Saturday.

The cleanse that I drank after dinner every night actually tasted really good. I'm not sure it ever cleansed me though. I didn't see any change in my #2s.

Maybe if I had 100% stayed on the cleanse and didn't cheat on day 6 & 7, I may have lost more weight. However, I could not bear to drink one more of those damn meal replacement shakes. No wonder people lose weight. They taste so damn shitty that you don't even want to eat!

If anyone saw my last post on the weight update, I decided to send back the tee shirt and get a smaller size. I was informed by the husband (after a few beers ofcourse) that the shirt made me look trashier than a lot lizard carrying around a milk jug full of Summer's Eve. He doesn't know much about fashion but I certainly don't want to go around looking like a cheap whore either. I'm hoping the smaller size will give me the look I'm going for, but with a more classy flair. We shall see...

1 comment:

  1. trashier than a lot lizard carrying around a milk jug full of Summer's Eve - ha ha ha ha ha! That shit has me rollin!!!!

    You look good no matter what, but that diet cleanse shit makes me want to gag. Good for you for sticking with it though!
