I love my husband; he's awesome. He's just a good ole' country boy from Iowa. And if it wasn't for that midwest accent, you'd swear he was staright out the trailer park in Johnston County, (or JoCo as us locals like to call it) North Carolina.
Without a doubt, my country boy is a true redneck at heart. You know, I love you babe!
You may remember the blog I posted several months ago about our disabled boat. Husband, being the awesome man he is, saved us mega money by fixin' it himself. He loves this sort of thing. He loves tinkering and fixing things. But, I think, more than anything it gave him a reason to drink beer and "redneck it out."
I can't even describe the hot mess we had going on in our yard. I'm surprised our neighbors didn't pack up and leave. This is better explained by way of pictures. Enjoy!