October 3, 2011

Key West...Take Me Away

Hi my blogger lovies. Yes, been gone for awhile. Between being a productive, working member of society and  my dedication to Pirate football, I've been a bit busy. Not to mention my husband's overwhelming demand for perfectly starched laundered shirts. Yes, I know I could just take them to the cleaners but I'm too damn cheap and I've got a vacation to plan. Which is sorta the premise of this blog today. I'm so excited I'm going to Key West in March I could just shout it from the mountain tops...but since I'm no where near a mountain top, I'm just gonna share it all over the land of blog.

And I think this is where I want to stay. Nothing special...small, quaint and they have cocktail recipes painted on the wall.
And this is what I want to do:


Make sure you check out the video.

The rest of the time I just want to plop my ass in chair somewhere and drink myself stupid. Sounds like a perfect vacation to me.

And as an extra bonus my beautiful friend and favorite blogger Kristen of http://kristenlawlor.blogspot.com might be joining.