August 4, 2010

Turning 30

I have to say so far 30 is awesome. I cannot tell you the last time I've been so relaxed. How couldn't you when you get to look at this all day?

Stay tuned...things are gonna get crazy. My peeps are peeps are coming! My "official" party is this upcoming weekend. I'm sure there will be great stories (and pictures) so check back soon.
Until then, just breathe!


  1. Oh yes. I will be packing "the ruckus" in my overnight bag and bringing the ingredients needed for some high octane, adult, "pirate party punch". Can't wait! Welcome to the dirty thirty!

  2. oh girly. i am so glad to hear you are relaxed. you have hard a rough go of it as of late and knowing you are smiling makes me do a happy dance to fart sounds!
