December 31, 2010

You're Outta Here

Goodbye 2010. You've been a thorn in my side, you've tested my patience, strength and faith. You've pushed me to the edge but you've also pulled me back. You've made me question myself as a person, a wife, a friend and a daughter. You've hurt the ones I care so deeply for and you've taken people from us. But at the end I'm still standing. You might have gotten the best of me at times, but you didn't get me. I'm here and bidding you farewell.

Now a time for reflection:

Friendships were lost but new ones were gained. In that I have realized more of who I am as a person and what friendship is really about.

My Pirates had a rough year but overall I think we were pretty successful.

My mother finally moved out :)

Marriages, births, pregnancies and adoptions for those who truly deserve it.

Long summer days on the lake with friends.

A marriage that I think can withstand through anything.

A stronger feeling of self worth.

New friends.

Here's what I look forward to in 2011:


Tailgating in Pirate Nation

Another week at the lake

And most importantly time to work on me. I've been so focused on others (good & bad) that I've forgotten about myself.

Cheers to all of you having a fantastic New Years. I hope 2011 is kind and generous to all of you. May 2011 bring you everything you deserve.


  1. Cheers Melissa! Great post. Hope you have a Happy new Year!

  2. Amen sista and Happy New Year! I hope 2011 is kind to you and Dustin. Looking forward to Lake days - they really do make everything better!
